The Berja District has a Subtropical Climate with a distinct Mediterranean feel, characterised by a period of drought over the summer months and with maximum rainfall recorded during the Autumn and Winter seasons, although not enough to change the overall aridity of the area. The Latitude at which Berja is situated means that the weather is alternately influenced by Tropical high pressures in the summer and depressions from the Polar Front in winter but maintaining a general anticyclone (high pressure) climate throughout the year.
The Relief that surrounds the area acts as a Topographical screen to the Atlantic Maritime Air Masses responsible for the majority of the rainfall seen throughout the rest of Andalucia.
This areas’ proximity to the Mediterranean impedes any major effects from the main Northern Europe weather systems resulting in a much warmer climate year round.
The proximity to the African Continent and the warm air masses that pass from this area result in a local climate similar to that seen in Northern Africa.
More than 3000 hours of sunshine per year are recorded for the area. Added to this is the strength of the sunlight received here. Areas of lower density sunlight, although less frequent, offer the opportunity to see a large diversity of vegetation and ground soils and as such are seen as areas of great ecological value.
Photo. View of allotments
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