General Festivals
Celebrations and Events
- Clima and decent of the Virgen of Gádor (Throughout March).
Easter Week celebrations with its’ famous parades and processions.
- Humarrachos (March 31st): Bonfire night in honour of Saint Tesifón.
- Saint Marcos (weekend of the 25th April).
- The carnival: 42 days before Easter Week (weekend); Ash Wednesday: Entierro de la Sardina; the following Sunday: First Sunday of Lent.
- La Parva, Barrilería y Faena: (Middle of July), A reclaimed tradition where the traditional methods of labouring and the art of barrel making for the packing of grapes are recreated and celebrated.
- The fair and festivals, with a pilgrimage to the sanctuary of the Virgin (from 26th July to 2nd August).
- Local Authority Fairs in honour of the Virgin (Throughout September).
- Expo-Berja (last weekend of October): Exhibition of local industries and services.
Photo. Prilgrimage to the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Gádor
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Moors and Chistians
To mark the fourth anniversary of the expulsion of the Moors from the territory of the Spanish monarchy in commemoration of the Battle of Berja, the first weekend of September, the event is "Berja, Moorish and Christian." During both days, the following activities:
- Parade of Kabila Moorish and Christian teams through the main streets of town (Av. José Barrionuevo Peña, Avda Manuel Salmerón, c / Agua, c / Puente Lozas and Plaza de la Constitution).
- Representations of the "Battle of Berja "in the Plaza of the Constitution.
- Installing a Morisco Souk in the c / Martires de la Alpujarra.
Foto. Berja, Moorish and Christian
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Local Festivals
- Castala (first weekend in April): Saint Tesifón.
- Alcaudique (weekend of the 15th May): Saint Isidro.
- Night of Saint Juan in Alcaudique (23rd June) y Riguarte (weekend before).
- Río chico (weekend of the 16th July): Virgen del Carmen.
Balanegra (25th July): Santiago Apóstol.
- Benínar (16th August): San Roque.
- San Roque (weekend of the 16th August): San Roque.
- Benejí (last weekend in August): Santo Cristo de Cabrilla.
- Hirmes (2nd Sunday in September): Virgen de los Dolores.
- Peñarodada (weekend of the 4th October): San Francisco de Asís